So today I took a good long look at my closet and dresser and decided it was time to do some cleaning I feel like I have a lot of clothes and a lot the clothes that I have I don’t even wear. First off let’s look at the closet. IMG_0183.JPG

I don’t know why the pictures turned out kind of blurry, but you can get the idea. There are a lot of things hanging up in that closet. Next let’s look at the dresser or at least the one picture that actually turned out. IMG_0187.JPG

This picture doesn’t show the true magnitude of the fullness of my dresser, but again it’s the best I have. After seeing just how many clothes were sitting there I decided it was time to clear some of this clutter out and donate it. The donating part will be done tomorrow obviously as it is already 6:20 at the time I am writing this post. IMG_0188.JPG

You are seeing it right that is about four grocery bags worth of clothes that I either never wear or just don’t fit me anymore as they are years old (I’m talking like some of these clothes are from early high school and I will be turning 22 in May). Hopefully these clothes will be able to go to people who need them and will actually wear them unlike me once I donate them tomorrow. See you all next time!